Those that know me know I have an issue with making decisions. This usually manifests itself for the big decisions, those that will take a lot of resources (time, money, whatever…). I do a ridiculous amount of research and bother people asking for their opinions on things, often ad nauseum. The end goal is to give myself enough information about a decision to feel good about whatever the decision is.
Lately that’s gone a bit off track. I’ve made decisions I’ve regretted, nothing major at all, but the fact that I made the “wrong” decision eats at me and it’s been difficult to let go. I just gotta deal with it, remind myself that it’s really not a big deal at all, let it go…
The other decision making disorder scenario is where I just don’t care. The typical setup is “
Then what? I profess to not care, but then when pressed I still don’t give useful feedback, I’ll waffle about but won’t actually make a decision. Lame. I guess I really do care then, but it’s hit me that while I don’t care what the decision is, I do care that it’s not the “wrong” decision. Much ado about nothing, really, we’re talking about such earth-shaking matters like what to eat, or what movie to see, or something of equal importance. So what if it’s the wrong decision, live and learn, right? A bad meal or a bad movie isn’t the end of the world, and at least you’ll have an idea of what to avoid in the future…
I gotta let it go, it’s ok to be wrong. Besides, if I really don’t care, then pick one, any one. It will at least be a useful answer given to the person that asked for my feedback in the first place. It’s the least I can do for someone considerate enough to ask my opinion.