Preface: So I’m writing this post nearly a month after the fact. It’s hard to believe it’s been “only” that long since my last time on the snow, so many spring/summer things have happened since, it seems the season is MUCH further away…
Sun…lots of sun. And with that comes heat of course. Well, to be fare I’ve been boarding when it’s been bluebird clear but wicked cool. This was not one of those days. I wore thermal bottoms, but the tops was just a long sleeve T and my jacket, and at times that was too much. The snow was sticky and slick, depending on if you could find the shadows or not, most of the time it was like riding on a Slurpee. A good time seemed to be had by all, just ask the folks in sun dresses (girls & guys), bikini tops (yes, girls & guys there too), or the giant hot dog (gender undetermined).
14 days on the snow. I just barely broke even on my season pass, but that’s ok. The freedom it provides more than makes up for any math. Last year saw me on the hill more than twice that. This year was much more relaxed, and it showed in my efforts to get on the hill along with my riding in general. It was a good year, and despite its length I don’t find it lacking. Plus, for the first time in I don’t know how long, I’m not dreading the approach of summer. I like to think this means that I’ll be looking forward to the snow once again come November. But for now bring on the sun!